Staff member helping a diabetic patient

Diabetes Education

Our patients are taking control of their diabetes with support from our diabetes educators

Your Guide to Everything Diabetes

Joslin Diabetes Center's staff of physicians, nurses, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, and educators have a great deal of information about diabetes to share with you. You can access information on numerous topics such as Managing Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness.

Education Resources & Programs

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes or have had diabetes for many years, realize that diabetes education doesn’t end. There are always new things to learn about diabetes.

Here’s how to stay up to date:

  • Meet with a certified diabetes educator (CDE). CDEs are usually nurses, dietitians, exercise physiologists and pharmacists who specialize in diabetes education. You can find CDE’s working in hospital outpatient departments, medical centers, clinics and physician offices.
  • Meet with a registered dietitian to learn more about diabetes nutrition and meal planning. Many dietitians are also CDEs.
  • Attend a diabetes self-management education class. Diabetes classes are usually taught by a CDE and you’ll benefit from learning from others in the class, too.