Two researchers in a lab

NIH/NIDDK Diabetes Research Center

The Joslin DRC

Since its founding in 1898, the mission of the Joslin Diabetes Center has been to improve the lives of patients with diabetes through research, clinical care, and education to find new treatments, improve care and prevent disease in those at risk. Over the past 35 years, this research at Joslin has been supported by NIH/NIDDK through a Diabetes Research Center (DRC) Program Grant led by Jean Schaffer, MD.

Mission of the DRC at Joslin

  • Create an environment that supports world-class investigation in diabetes and metabolism.
  • Sustain and strengthen the diabetes research infrastructure through core laboratories that provide outstanding expertise and cutting-edge technologies.
  • Catalyze new diabetes research and multidisciplinary collaborations that transform the field of diabetes research through support of early-stage research (Pilot and Feasibility Program) and a comprehensive program of seminars and symposia (Enrichment Program).
  • Translate new knowledge to improved care and prevention.

In This Section


Learn how we’ve been at the forefront of discovery, and committed to preventing and curing diabetes worldwide.