LGBTQ+ and Joslin's Young Adult Program

June 22, 2022
Madeline Bennetti

Treating LGBTQ+ Youth Adults at Joslin

Joslin’s Young Adult Program is inclusive in every way and there is no better time than during Pride Month to let people know about some of the ways in which we connect with young people with diabetes who identify as LGBTQ+. Beyond respecting patients’ preferred names and pronouns, our providers recognize that LGBTQ+ patients often do not feel heard when seeking healthcare. Successful diabetes management requires a good fit with providers and a comfortable environment in which to ask questions and receive personalized education and treatment.

In Joslin’s Young Adult Program, which focuses on people with diabetes ages 18 to 30, young people are encouraged to talk openly with their providers about sexual health, mental health, and relationship health as it affects their diabetes and will receive guidance to do so. Our physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Educators, and Social Workers are happy to work with patients who have plans to initiate hormone therapy, medically affirm their gender identity, or start a family.

Young Adult Program staff also are constantly seeking to improve their understanding and knowledge of LGBTQ+ social and health care issues. The goal is to create the most comfortable diabetes care experience for our LGBTQ+ patients from the intake process to every appointment interaction. Elena Toschi, MD, Director of the Young Adult Program, organizes periodic in-service trainings and speakers for Young Adult Program clinicians to learn about the impacts of gender-affirming care on type 1 diabetes (T1D) management, and considerations for sexual health in patients with T1D.

Joslin’s Young Adult Program welcomes all young people with diabetes to find out more about the program by visiting our web page or emailing us.

Although this content is reviewed by Joslin Diabetes Center healthcare professionals, it is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.
