Routine Eye Exams

You don't have to have diabetes to start thinking about protecting your eyes

Our Commitment

The Beetham Eye Institute is committed to keeping everyone's eyes healthy, which is why we also offer routine eye exams--for those with and without diabetes.

Anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can have diabetic eye disease and not know it because it is painless and often has no symptoms until its very advanced stages. But with appropriate care, you can reduce the risk of blindness and increase your chances of preserving sight.

At Beetham, we have developed clinical guidelines that recommend you take a three-pronged approach to preserve your vision:

  1. Maintain excellent A1C and blood glucose levels.
  2. Keep your blood pressure and other health factors, such as your cholesterol, in check.
  3. Make sure you get your eyes checked annually through a dilated eye exam (an exam in which the doctor places drops in your eyes) or specially validated photographs of your retinas (the inside of the eyes).

Eye exams for people with diabetes are very thorough and may take up to 2½ hours. Part of the exam includes applying drops to dilate your pupils, so the doctor can have a good look at what is happening at the back of your eye called the retina. No portions of the exam are painful, but when you have your pupils dilated you should be prepared to wear sunglasses after the appointment as you’ll be sensitive to light.