Diabetes Research Fellowship
Joslin Diabetes Center offers the largest diabetes-focused fellowship training program in the world
Training the Next Generation of Diabetes Researchers
Joslin is committed to training the next generation of researchers focused on diabetes. Joslin's Research Fellows Program is the largest diabetes-specific training program in the world and welcomes more than 100 MD and PhD Fellows from all over the world each year.
Research Fellows Program
The Joslin Research Division is made up of elite researchers pushing to understand what causes diabetes, how to improve diabetes care and search for a cure through a transdisciplinary setting for basic, clinical, and translational research. More than half of our bench research labs collaborate with physicians in our Clinic, and as a result, fellows expand their horizons by being exposed to the latest advances and clinical care.
Fellows at Joslin also will receive an appointment at Harvard Medical School, and benefit from the world-class resources available for medical research in Boston’s Longwood Medical Area.
Potential areas for fellow training include:
- Molecular Epidemiology
- Immunology and Type 1 Diabetes
- Molecular Mediators of Metabolism and Insulin Resistance
- Inheritance and Epigenetics of Metabolic Disease
- Exercise and Muscle Metabolism
- Gut Microbiome-Host Interactions
- Obesity and adipose tissue metabolism
- Vascular Biology and diabetes complications
- Beta Cell and Regenerative Biology
- Basic, Clinical, and Translational Studies
Research activities at Joslin are supported by the infrastructure and resources of the NIH-funded Diabetes Research Center (DRC). In addition to project-specific training, Joslin fellows will also have access to training opportunities through Harvard Catalyst, weekly seminar series, and career-development events organized by Joslin’s Fellows Council.
How To Apply
To apply, submit a cover letter, CV, and three references with contact information.
In your cover letter, please indicate your research area(s) of interest and, if applicable, specific faculty members with whom you wish to work.
International Fellows
Once a postdoc applicant has accepted a position at Joslin, their Investigator will contact the Research Programs Administrator in the Office of Sponsored Research. For international postdocs the Research Programs Administrator will help coordinator the visa application process. Joslin is an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, thus the Harvard International Office will sponsor the visas for Joslin international postdocs.
All foreign postdocs will receive a useful guide to Boston, Welcome to Boston upon arrival that has practical information to help facilitate the adjustment to living in Boston.
Fellows Council
The Fellows Council at Joslin Diabetes Center offers an interactive environment for fellows and graduate students to exchange experiences and information. Together, the group actively plans and facilitates Joslin’s educational programs, and enjoys social events.
Consisting of representatives from each research section, the Fellowship Council is a diverse group and also includes one pre-doctoral graduate student representative. The Council meets at least three times per year, as well as throughout the year, as necessary. Council members work collaboratively with Joslin’s Director of Research, the Office of Research Fellow Affairs, and other Joslin leadership team members.
- The Council is responsible for leading a support network for the Joslin fellows: to open a dialogue among fellows to address issues and help identify and develop activities, both social and academic, that would benefit fellows.
- The Council serves as the “voice” of the fellows to the Office of Research Fellow Affairs and Joslin leadership to address topics of concern to fellows.
- The Council is responsible for three seminars in the Longwood Area Diabetes/Metabolism Research Seminar Series. Lecture responsibilities include identifying, inviting and hosting expert speakers from outside Joslin. In addition, all fellows have the opportunity to meet and network with the invited speakers at small roundtable discussions after the lectures.
- The Council sponsors several lectures each year on skills important for academic success including writing for publication, statistics, giving presentation, etc. The Council in collaboration with the Office of Research Fellows Affairs sponsors Joslin Poster Day, an opportunity for investigators and fellows to display and discuss their work presented at national and international meetings with Joslin and other Harvard faculty and staff.

Joslin Fellows Council