International Patients

Learn how our international patient coordinator can help you set up an appointment and plan for your stay

Services for Global Patients

Joslin Diabetes Center is the world's largest diabetes research and clinical care organization. Joslin is dedicated to ensuring that people with diabetes live long, healthy lives.

Joslin's clinic offers concierge medicine services for self-pay international patients interested in receiving diabetes care. The international patient coordinator advocates for patients and provides assistance on all aspects of their stays, including:

  • Appointment scheduling with Joslin Diabetes Center endocrinologists, diabetes educators, and other related specialties.
  • Coordination of the registration and check-in process.
  • Assistance with locating hotel accommodations.
  • Transportation arrangements to and from clinic (by request).
  • Assistance with financial arrangements, including advance estimates for deposit.
  • Concierge services, including a personal Elliott P. Joslin Suite for appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Joslin Diabetes Center welcomes people with diabetes from across the globe. Learn more about our specialized services for international patients.
What medical services are available for international patients?

We offer a wide range of diabetes-related services, including:

  • Endocrinology
  • Nephrology/hypertension
  • Technology (meter, pump, continuous glucose monitor)
  • Diabetes Education
  • Nutrition and meal planning
  • Exercise training
  • Eye services
  • Geriatric Services
  • Pediatric Services
  • Pregnancy
  • Pharmacy Education
  • Hypoglycemia (diabetes related or non-diabetes)
  • Behavioral Health
  • Lipids
  • Special laboratory testing requests
What if I would like additional services that you do not offer?

Upon request, the international patient coordinator will assist in registering and scheduling appointments for you at other prestigious Harvard Affiliated facilities.

I am interested in starting on an insulin pump. What is the process for this?

The process for starting on an insulin pump begins with an evaluation with an endocrinologist and a pump assessment with a diabetes nurse. These initial appointments are essential to understand the expectations and responsibilities that come with wearing a pump. The following appointments are scheduled:

  • Appointment #1: 60-minute evaluation with an endocrinologist and a 90-minute assessment with a diabetes nurse. Once the insulin pump device has been ordered and delivered, the patient can expect the following appointments.
  • Appointment #2: 120-minute appointment with a diabetes nurse to start the patient on the pump using saline. The patient will spend the next several days practicing wearing the pump to become
  • acclimated to button pushing and changing infusion sets.
  • Appointment #3: 60 minutes with a diabetes nurse to start on insulin.
  • Appointment #4: 24-48 hours later, a 30-minute follow up with a diabetes nurse to review progress.
  • Appointments #5 and #6: A 60-minute appointment with a registered dietician and a 60-minute appointment with an exercise physiologist are also essential to schedule before the patient leaves so that he or she can understand how to manipulate the pump based on eating and exercising.

Follow up is essential and we recommend international patients starting on pumps to follow up in 6 months to 1 year later.

How long will I need to stay at Joslin?

The length of your stay depends on your condition and treatment. We generally suggest giving yourself three to 10 days, in case you need additional testing or treatments after your consultation. Patients interested in starting on an insulin pump should plan on two to three weeks.

Where can I stay while receiving care?

We can recommend a number of local hotels for short term stay when you contact us. We recommend booking your accommodations after you have made an appointment.

What is the cost of care at Joslin?

The international patient coordinator will provide you an estimate based on the services your clinical care will require. You will be required to pay this estimate upfront in order to hold your appointments. Please note that this is only an estimate. If additional fees are incurred, you are expected to pay them.

Will my insurance cover the cost of services at Joslin?

International concierge services are only available for self-pay patients. International patients wishing to use their insurance can schedule an appointment by calling 617-309-2440 and speaking to our Centralized Appointment Office. Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm EST.

Which services must be paid up front?

Self-pay patients are expected to pre-pay for all services prior to receiving care.

Are interpreter services available?

Yes. Please let the international patient coordinator know if you would like an interpreter.

How should I send my medical documents?

After you have filled out the application, the International Patient Coordinator will work with you to facilitate transfer for your medical documents.

Can I send medical documents written in other languages?

No. All documents must be in English. We recommend that records are translated at home to avoid any delays.

Does Joslin translate medical documents?

No. It is the patient’s responsibility to provide documents in English.