Dr. Rosas Joins Study Focused on Improving Kidney Transplant Outcomes

At Joslin Diabetes Center, we are proud to be the global leader in diabetes research. This important research includes identifying ways to improve diabetes-related issues such as kidney disease.
Currently, researchers are working on a study called APOL1 Long Term Kidney Transplant Outcomes (APOLLO) under the direction of Joslin nephrologist, Dr. Sylvia Rosas. Joslin is one of 13 clinical centers that work with aligned transplant programs to recruit participants for the study. This study is also facilitated by the Statistical and Data Research Center at Wake Forest School of Medicine and various Organ Procurement Organizations across the country.
The study tests kidney donors and kidney transplant recipients for variants (or forms) of the apolipoprotein L1 gene (called APOL1) to determine whether they impact outcomes.
APOLLO will follow individuals who receive a kidney from an eligible (living or deceased) kidney donor. In addition, APOLLO will follow individuals who donate a kidney to assess the impact of the APOL1 gene.
Our transplant team is proud to be part of the APOL1 Long-term Kidney Transplantation Outcomes (APOLLO) Network, a national study supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that is working to address racial disparities in kidney transplant outcomes.
About Joslin Diabetes Center
Joslin Diabetes Center is world-renowned for its deep expertise in diabetes treatment and research. Part of Beth Israel Lahey Health, Joslin is dedicated to finding a cure for diabetes and ensuring that people with diabetes live long, healthy lives. We develop and disseminate innovative patient therapies and scientific discoveries throughout the world. Joslin is affiliated with Harvard Medical School and one of only 18 NIH-designated Diabetes Research Centers in the United States.